12 February, 2025

Regional Centre


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Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam (https://ekbharat.gov.in/EkBharatSanskritiSangam)

22 August, 2023


Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam

Above is the link given for participation of candidates who are 18-30 years of age and are talents in the field of dance ,singing,painting etc .Only criterion is the participant must upload their recorded performances on social media on the theme other than of their own state . For example students belonging to Jharkhand can prepare a Rajasthani dance or song and upload it on social media . After upload there shall be a period window after which one has to take a screen shot of social media upload indicating likes /followers and upload on the Ek Bharat Sanskrit Sangam On the basis of social media report and expert and jury they shall be evaluated and winner shall be declared . All of you are requested to share the link with students so that talented ones can participate . Please go through the matter of the programme yourself before forwarding it to others .


Click here for more details